Okay I'm done with the dramatics...
So to quickly fill you in:
January was possibly the worst month ever! I can't even tell you how depressing it was! I was so beyond done with it.... TGIF (Thank Goodness it's February!) I can't even pinpoint why it sucked other than I realized what jerks guys are.
I turned the big ONE- NINE on the 11th of January. It was quite a blast! We watched Easy A and I got a few Justin Bieber things. It was a good birthday!
I got a speeding ticket a couple days after my birthday and had to pay $90 for following a person that was going, what the cops claims, 15 over... I'll take responsibility though, I should've been more cautious.
Sydney and Travis (the cute boy from my *Day 4* post) are now dating... Not what I was hoping for but who cares, they're cute together!
I've been struggling with school lately, just because of sheer boredom and absolute lack of motivation... Bad ME!
I've been really homesick lately. It's been rough for me being completely out of the loop with most of my siblings and my parents. I even forgot Brooklyn, Craig, and Ella's birthdays. Oops! Doesn't mean I don't love you guys though!
I met a very attractive guy named Koty (Dakota) in my Human Bio Lab. He was the first guy to ask me for my number in who knows how long... But I've already scared him off... haha I'm not very good with the men... Hopefully I'll learn though!
I've had 2 Snow Blasts... Woo hoo... The one in January was hard. I got a 9/10 for host. Ouch. I shouldn't take it personally but how can I not?? I think I'm better than a 9!!!! (conceited too, I know ;)) Last weeks was much better, I had normal girls... they were super energized though! Sugar+ Snow Blast= Tuckered out Tiffany
Due to the extreme lack of love, I have bought myself the following:
- Mascara, to make myself attractive...
- Flowers, to let me pretend that boys like me...
- Milkyway extra caramel, to eat my feelings...
- Peanut Butter M&M's (same reason)
- Zumba, to get rid of my Milkyway and Peanut Butter M&M's...
- 7 Up and Vanilla Coke, I've become a hard drinker... ;)
I am so pathetic. I know.
On Monday, I get to go to the Paul Cardall concert. YAY! If you don't know who he is look him up. Click here he's amazing!!! Courtesy of Parker's mom, Karen. Thanks :D
Yesterday there was an Institute dance, I went with Royal. It was lame but fun with Royal. I was dead tired.
Today I woke up at 11:00am and watched Gossip Girl till 2pm. I took a shower and got ready. Then I went for a drive. I like drives. They're the best. I need to get out of Ephraim. Kinda. A lot.