We had just gone boating with my brother and sister-in-law up at Deer Creek and decided to go get shakes at "Granny's" and me and Brady (my friend) went first. I have a friend who lives in Heber and when we got lost, I decided to give her a call. Right as I hung up and had gotten both hand on the wheel, I realized the car in front of me was stopped. Sounds silly that I didn't know they were stopped but there was no stop sign, light, anything! There was a car show going on and people were crossing. I hit the car in front of me, going 30 mph. We were both wearing our seat belts which was good. I was fine, the only thing that happened to me was BABY burns on my arms from the airbag. Brady on the other hand, has burns on his face (kind of like when you skin your knee on a slide or some kind of plastic), a broken wrist, and swollen lips. To top it all off, he has to give his homecoming talk today. Go Tiffany. You rock.
Grumblebee, my sweet, loyal, and faithful car is maybe a loss. I don't know the extent of the internal damages but she's pretty beat up. Her front end is dented in and the hood is protruding. Her windshield is shattered, thanks to the airbags. Her dashboard is obviously lost as well. I am soooo bummed out. The weird thing is that earlier my brother was like "wow, take care of your car" when I shoved something into my messy trunk. I was like, "Kent, this car is my baby, I would never do anything to hurt her." Ouch.
The other car was fine. I'm sure I'll have to replace the bumper just because bumpers are kind of a one time use. But nothing for them... not a scratch. Which is really lucky.
Now, all I have to worry about is money. I have to get a new car, or replace all the damages to Grumblebee, pay for the other car's new bumper, pay for Brady's medical bills, and pay for the insurance deductible. All while trying to save up for college. I love money, but it must hate me. It's always trying to get away from me.
I'm very grateful I'm okay, Brady's "okay", and the other people were okay as well. I am lucky, but right now all I feel is guilty and nervous.
Hopefully with a lot of prayers I will figure things out.
I will post pictures soon, I think we're gonna go get the car tomorrow...