Everyone has a "Mission Statement" or a motto that they try to live by.
Like "That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger," "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," "What goes around, comes around," or in the words of Simba, "Hakuna Matata- Slimy, yet satisfying."
Mine is "Simply Live." I came up with it in a pivotal time of my life. I am kind of a control freak if any of you hadn't noticed. Especially when it comes to feelings of "infatuation" or "crushes." My poor roommates had to deal with a lot of my mellow-dramatic rants of "Why hasn't he texted me??" and "UGH! I hate men! They are such jerks!" (... sounds familiar... still!)
Back in November I really started to like this guy, "Sam" as we'll call him. I felt like if he didn't pay his every waking attention to me, that he had all of the sudden decided he didn't like me anymore. I was pathetic. I finally realized how much energy I legitimately wasted on NOT being happy with him.
I felt like I had to be in control of everything. I even went to the extremes of having my sweet, dear roommate Ashley change his name in my phone so I wouldn't stress over who should text the other one first.
The day Sam and I officially ended things was tough on me. I thought long and hard about the amount of time I wasted trying to figure things out that didn't need to be figured out. I thought to myself, Why do stress over everything... even the things I can't control? I just need to let things flow naturally. I need to Simply Live!
That night, we drove to Denny's and we talked. I told Sam I was really struggling with the fact that he didn't care about me as much as I did him. He told me I was trying to force things, way too much. Sam just looked at me and said, "You just need to simply live." NO, I am not making this up. He basically read my mind. I told him, "Oh my gosh! I know EXACTLY what you mean."
On my mirror are oversized purple letters reading, "Simply Live." My phone has a banner across it, reminding me to "Simply Live..." Those words have been on there since November.
I'm not saying I'm perfect at it. Because, let's be honest, I still struggle a ridiculous amount with control. But it's something I am really constantly reminding myself to do.
"Simply Living" means to me, letting the Lord's hand in my life a little more prominently. Trusting in His plan for me. Not trying to push all my goals and sights into His Master plan.
I know it's cheesy. But a motto is something to help me grow.