
What To Do...?

Today I am sitting in the office...

Just sitting.
I have nothing to do,
except homework,
Which I left at my apartment.

Last time I had nothing to do
so was going to write my paper
but I left my computer at my

This time I brought my computer
but left my planner with the
website for my homework.
I failed.

I keep trying to think of things
I could do...
Something to keep me occupied.
But I've run all my errands
called all the places I need to call.

What can I do?


Lazy Day

Sunday is a day of rest, right?
Well today I had too much rest.
I should have gone to church today.
Sleeping in till 3 sounded like a
great idea at the time.

I have a splitting headache now.
I feel sooo unaccomplished.
I feel gross for not doing anything.
My new goal?
Go to bed at a decent hour and
wake up earlier.
I will NEVER sleep in that long


Spring Schedule!

So I got to set up my schedule this morning!
I woke up late, go figure... My alarm didn't go off.
I got all the classes I wanted though including:
  • Bowling
  • Archery
  • Eating Behaviors
  • Chemistry and Lab (Required... I really don't want to take it...)
  • Hip Hop
  • Western Swing
  • Mass Media (also required...)
  • Developmental Psych
Umm okay, I think I have THE coolest schedule EVER!
I'm so super excited.

When I Actually WANT to Sleep This is What Happens

At midnight I was supposed to be able to register for spring semester.
For some reason, it won't let me.
I have an 8:30 history class tomorrow that I have to go to.
I keep hoping it'll let me in... NOW... nope...
NOW... nope...
OK well maybe...
NOW... nope....
I just want to sleep and see the back of my eyelids.
Maybe even dream.
But I really want to get into some fun classes too.
Dear Sleep, I miss you.
Love, Tiff