These last couple of weeks have been pretty fun for me!
I got good grades this last fall semester... a 3.70 with 16 credits
When I got to my parents, I had the opportunity to go on a date:
We went bowling... I lost... :(
Then we went over to George's and made "Gingerbread" houses

This is Josh and My Gingerbread house!
It's pretty "Clutch" as he would say...
There was a frosting fight, dear Jenna (George's date) accidentally slathered frosting into my eye!
It was great fun though! :D
The next day I met up with my good old friend Alyssa and she did my hair for me.
She did a great job! My hair is darker now and I love it!
Later that night I went to Zoo Lights with Parker Alexander!
I didn't take a camera, unfortunately...
I highly suggest going a few minutes after the lights start,
by the time we got there all the animals were asleep!
Christmas was great fun!
We went and stopped by both of my brother's houses,
I got to see my nieces and nephew... ALWAYS a bonus!
Last night I went with my parents and a good friend from junior high to temple square.
This is Steven, he leaves on his mission in three weeks!
Good luck Steven!