1st- I graduated in May of 2010. Wow, has it really only been 2 years? I feel like I'm older than that... Maybe it's the fact that I haven't lived at home for 2 years and haven't seen that many high school friends since... I don't know... but it has NOT gone "with the blink of an eye."
2nd- In August of 2010 I went to Snow College. I graduate this May... I LOVE Snow, but I feel like I've been here wayyy longer than 2 years, especially when I look back. I remember having all nighters with my roommies from last year and it seems like a million years ago.
3rd- Parker left in October of 2010... There's still 7 months till he gets home. I "dear John'd" him 7 and a half months into his mission. Golly, I felt like it was a long wait then... Now that it's a count down, I want to jump into overdrive and speed time up! Even though we're not dating any more, I still miss him sooo much! I can't wait to see my best friend again! My thoughts literally revolve around him lately! I came home this weekend and got really "Parker-sick." This time of year, with the warm(ish) weather, spring smells, and the sun staying out later reminds me of a lot of our adventures.
4th- 2 years ago (on March 29th) I went to Hare Krishna and had a blast. My hair was this length:

Two years later, I was too broke to go to Hare Krishna (which fell on the 24th this year) but my room did get trashed on the 29th... My friend Kelvin and I had a paper fight instead... My hair was this length:

Time goes by slow. And I guess I should take it as it comes, but I'm impatient. I feel like I'm at a stand still.
BUT still, "Kung Fu Panda" has taught me, "Yesterday's history, Tomorrow's a mystery, and Today's a gift, that's why it's called the present!"
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