

Sometimes we do stupid things for the opposite gender when it comes to feelings.

- Sometimes we fall for one person of the opposite gender in particular.
- Sometimes we become vulnerable because we tell them how we feel (feelings are STUPID by the way...)
- Sometimes you tell this person everything and don't feel weird doing it.
- Sometimes it works out.
- Other times, we get hurt.
- Sometimes we find that no matter how hard we try, we just can't stay away.
- Sometimes we let our feelings overtake our common sense.
- Sometimes we imagine what it would be like if things were "right."
- Sometimes we have to deal with reality.
- Sometimes we pretend to have it altogether, so we can be around the person, drama-free.
- Sometimes we think the person will change their mind and realize what you guys have is great.
- Sometimes we feel stupid for trusting that person in the first place.

Yet, we still fall. I don't get it.
College is hard enough without dating.
So why do we torture ourselves with day dreams and hopes? I think it's silly to do this at such a young age, where we think we know everything... but in all honesty? We have NO idea what we're doing.

One year and four months till my mission.... yes? YES!


Stephanie Hammer: Best Best Friend Ever? YES

Yesterday was my BEST friend Stephanie Carlisle Hammer's birthday! She turned the BIG ONE-NINE! :) I'd love to tell you about this BEAUTIFUL girl!

We met our Sophomore year of High School in Miss Johnson's health class. I was super jealous of her LONG blonde hair, super great style, and boyfriend (at the time it was Stephen Hill... every girl wanted him! haha). She was extremely nice too, which surprised me, since she was so gorgeous! We talked a lot about music because we both loved:
1. Paramore, my obsession at the time... we wanted to dye our hair bright red with blonde in the bangs sooo badly. Haha, what were we thinking??
2. Panic! At the Disco, ditto. We found out that we were both gonna go to the concert the prior year but it got cancelled and we were bummed out.
3. ... Okay so I think those were the only 2 we talked about, but we would watch the music video's all the time on my iPod.

We really didn't become friends until Junior year choir tour in California.

We were roommates due to our shared friend, Cheyenne. Because of limited beds, we had to switch beds and bed buddies every night. One night it was mine and Stephanie's turn to share the pull-out couch bed. We were not very excited, in fact, I think we were pretty pissed. While we were tossing and turning and NOT being able to sleep, we talked and bonded. We talked about her ex-beau, Stephen, dumb "friends", and how gross Cheyenne and Luke were together on the trip. {Love you, Chey and Luke! haha} We immediately became really close the rest of the trip.

When we got back from California, I started hanging out with Chey and Steph more but when summer came around I lost complete contact with them.

I owe practically my WHOLE senior year to Stephanie. I started hanging out with both Steph and Chey again and I loved having drama-free, chill girls to hang with. But that bliss ended quickly when Stephanie and Luke started dating. They kept it from Cheyenne to avoid drama, but when she found out, all Hell broke loose. The hardest part was when they would make me take sides. I eventually picked Stephanie's side, the thing that drew me to her was her sincerity, loyalty, and maturity. This girl was one of the most honest, caring, genuine people I'd ever met. After that, we were attached at the hips. She and Luke started dating, and Parker and I started dating. We would always hang out, the 4 of us.

(I stole this from FB... can you tell?)

Stephanie is unique in the fact that she will drop ANYTHING to help you out. In high school she supported me in all my psychotic antics, road tripping to Ephraim, skipping choir with me for tanning or doughnuts, and help me down a few things of cheese fries from J.C. Dubs. Even after we both went to separate colleges, she would "Skype" me, talk to my boyfriend about what promise ring I would like, and visit me at school.

This girl is LEGIT!

She even drove down to PG with her husband so I wouldn't have to go to Parker's brother's homecoming alone. What person does that?? Seriously!? STEPHANIE does.

There are very few times I cry... and when this girl got married, I cried, because she was happier than I had ever seen her. She deserves the best guy in the world, and you know what... I think she did a pretty good job!
She has truly changed my life forever.

I love this girl more than chicken and mayo on crackers, In-N-Out {Fries AND Burgers}, J.C.W.'s, Beaches Tanning Salon, Cafe Rio, Bรถhme, Stuart Falls, St. George, Snoasis, Victoria's Secret, Harts hot chocolate (I believe her favorite is 3 chocolate and 1 vanilla cream shot), shooting, four-wheeling, and other things that I've done more than her and she's still a trillion times better than me, 3 day sleepovers, Roxberry, and Rip Riders ALL COMBINED!

If I could put this girl in one word, it would be "TRUE." She is truly 100% Stephanie all the time.

Steph, I wanna find a man like you... just more manly. :) Love you baby girl! Hope your day was amazing!