Recent Adventures!

Got any good pranks?????
Is it love or just a gas bubble????
What To Do...?
Lazy Day
Spring Schedule!
- Bowling
- Archery
- Eating Behaviors
- Chemistry and Lab (Required... I really don't want to take it...)
- Hip Hop
- Western Swing
- Mass Media (also required...)
- Developmental Psych
When I Actually WANT to Sleep This is What Happens
Trying Something New

Stephanie Hammer: Best Best Friend Ever? YES

Schools Back From Summa!
The Things I fear .

Simply Live...
The New Looks.

Growing Up...
ReKrap & Adumb.
The Wants vs. Needs
- I want an unlimited shopping spree... no price too much, all the clothes, bags, shoes I want!
- A personal shopper to do the walking for me, I'll just sit in the changing room while she grabs the cutest clothes from the shelves.
- A professional to do my 'do. My hair has some pretty nasty roots if you ask me.
- A gym pass. I miss the Activity Center at Snow! I thought I would never say that, but I really miss the elliptical, weights, and bikes! I'm definitely going to be utilizing the AC more next semester.
- I want Grumblebee (my awesome Chevy Lumina Transformer car) to use less gas... She's getting to be really expensive.
- I want more country music on my computer! I'm tired of Pandora playing the same "Today's Country" songs OVER AND OVER.
- I need to save all the money I can for college. I hate mooching off my parents for every little thing.
- I need to start chipping in on the food here at Kent and Kim's, I am always hungry but I hate eating their food! They're much too nice to stop me from eating it all. I feel so bad!
- I need my bangs cut, JUST my bangs... if you know anyone that'll cut 'em for free PULEEZE let me know!
- I need to start eating healthier and stop drinking RedBull (even though it's the nectar of the gods.) I also need to start going to bed and waking up earlier. Oooo! Maybe even start running or doing some push-ups or sit-ups!
- I need to realize that I have to pay for certain things, like gas, because that's sadly a part of growing up.
- I need to stop worrying about what I don't have and start focusing on what I DO have! I'm very blessed.
I've slept on it...

There are no words, other than... Men Suck.
Week Four

Week 3. Yes, I skipped 2
Sleep Schmeep
Ch-ch-changes (Week 1)
So this is my college freshman spring break! WOO HOO! Right?!
Okay not really. AT ALL! I've been sicker than a dog. Curse my cold!
Since I DO love my siblings lots though, my plan is to go see them! Now that I'm feeling a little... no... A LOT better, I'm gonna start my travels tomorrow! YAY!
Random Tangent!
SENSA... wow. How stupid can you freaking get?!?! "I didn't change my lifestyle at all and I lost 50 lbs! All you have to do is sprinkle, eat, and lose weight!" Oh my gosh! That's terrible! Have you heard of exercising?! I don't care if that bull crap actually works or not! You've GOT to exercise! Holy hannah! Calorie intake+Exercise= Weight! It's JUST THAT SIMPLE! You've gotta work to have a good body! UGH! Somebody on this infomercial literally just said, "Don't change what you eat, don't change your exercise, just use SENSA." Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

The new Hairs! :) Just a trim but look how great my ends look! Yay! There's a weird piece of bangs but I promise it's jut misplaced.
Ahhh... The exciting life of me... I think KIDS make blogs exciting. Maybe I should wait till I get married and have kids to start a blog. Haha
Day 43
Day 8

Day 7

So Friday... we had a lot of training... a lot. BUT it was very fun at the end of the night... we went classic skating and went to Weber State and snuck into their dance!
Day 6

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Home Sweet Home! I'm back! YES! I'm back in E-town. I love it here! It may be a small college town of 8,000 (half being students) but it's a lot of fun! I must say I was a little disappointed when I came back to an empty apartment. :( But Kristen (my lovely roommate) came back soon enough!
Day 2

Day 1

So My New Years resolution is to post a picture and story every day for a year.... oh cool... right? Well in fact it ACTUALLY IS cool, because I'm a freshman in college with a lot of crazy, fun stories! :)
Unfortunately, I have already failed. Yes, I did not post on January 1, 2011. I did not even make it the first day! Bummer. But! I'm not one to give up so easily, I will just post two today! YAY!
Last night a lot of my friends from high school and I got together at the "local hang" (JCDub's) and had a nice and fun time, but everyone left early due to something that came up ("I feel sick", "I have a French club reunion", "I'm too cold to hang out.")
So Deb and I decided to go Wal-Mart to exchange a gift. As I was getting into the car, an old friend, Luke texted me saying he was getting off work really soon. Fortunately, he works really close to Wal-Mart and we decided to go see him at work. We made plans to hang out after he got done and bid our farewell. Thinking he'd be off in 10 minutes, Deborah and I make our choice on the exchange. I did not get a call. It was nearing 15 minutes... "Well, we can look around!"
BAD IDEA! Deb started to really shop and then I would remember a few things I needed... It had now been 45 minutes, then an hour, then an hour and 10 minutes. Finally, I get a call! "I'm off," he says.
"Good, meet us in checkout line 8," I say.
Deb and I look at our stuffed arms. "These things are Luke's fault," I say, "I didn't come to spend my hard earned money, he should reimburse me!"
After standing in line for another 20 minutes, the grumpy checker says, "Sorry, we can't make exchanges here. You'll have to go to Customer Service."
I think to myself, Oh, the joys of Wal-Mart…