So My New Years resolution is to post a picture and story every day for a year.... oh cool... right? Well in fact it ACTUALLY IS cool, because I'm a freshman in college with a lot of crazy, fun stories! :)
Unfortunately, I have already failed. Yes, I did not post on January 1, 2011. I did not even make it the first day! Bummer. But! I'm not one to give up so easily, I will just post two today! YAY!
Last night a lot of my friends from high school and I got together at the "local hang" (JCDub's) and had a nice and fun time, but everyone left early due to something that came up ("I feel sick", "I have a French club reunion", "I'm too cold to hang out.")
So Deb and I decided to go Wal-Mart to exchange a gift. As I was getting into the car, an old friend, Luke texted me saying he was getting off work really soon. Fortunately, he works really close to Wal-Mart and we decided to go see him at work. We made plans to hang out after he got done and bid our farewell. Thinking he'd be off in 10 minutes, Deborah and I make our choice on the exchange. I did not get a call. It was nearing 15 minutes... "Well, we can look around!"
BAD IDEA! Deb started to really shop and then I would remember a few things I needed... It had now been 45 minutes, then an hour, then an hour and 10 minutes. Finally, I get a call! "I'm off," he says.
"Good, meet us in checkout line 8," I say.
Deb and I look at our stuffed arms. "These things are Luke's fault," I say, "I didn't come to spend my hard earned money, he should reimburse me!"
After standing in line for another 20 minutes, the grumpy checker says, "Sorry, we can't make exchanges here. You'll have to go to Customer Service."
I think to myself, Oh, the joys of Wal-Mart…
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