Today was a great day! Yes, VERY good! :D I got to
hear the voice of the man I love SO much!! Parker was headed to the Ukraine today so while waiting in his layovers he got to call me! It was a very short call but he was so excited, he talked to a woman on the plane for 3 hours and he gave her a Book of Mormon! He was also very excited about his Wendy's Crispy Chicken Sandwi
ch, he misses fast food so much! I am so happy he's finally there, he seemed to be getting antsy in that MTC.
Other than that, my phone broke. Yes, broke. :( They're gonna send a new one by Friday which is pretty good! I also dyed my hair more blonde again! The color just fits me so well! As Kristen was putting it all in, we noticed that I look a lot like D
raco Malfoy. yay... Well okay I actually thought it was pretty funny so I took a picture:

But to prevent any reader from thinking I'm a complete psychotic looking freak I thought I should show you another picture when it was all done:
Oh yeah... this was a great plan... Show off a really cheesy picture without any makeup... smart Tiff!
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