
Growing Up...

So I feel like I'm still a kid. But I guess that's because I am, I have so much life ahead of me. I'm 19 years old but I know I'm growing up. I've been graduated for a little over a year now. Things have changed, but I love where I'm at now.
I look at my old blog, my super private one... and I see how pathetic I was when it came to how I lived my life. I just sat around, waiting for adventure to come... I watched so much television, spent so much time on Facebook that I didn't even know what living was.
I think college was the greatest experience of my life. I think the fact that I don't live at home now is a great experience too! No offense to my parents, but I think the fact that I wake up earlier (not early. Just Earlier!) and don't stay out as late on my own accord is... progress. SELF progress.
I enjoy who I am now. I mean I still have major flaws that I can't stand, but I'm who I wanted to be a year ago.
I embrace change! I think that's one of my greatest strengths/talents/or whatever you wanna call it. I am so excited for life and the crazy curveballs it throws at me! I mean I don't think I can handle them very gracefully, but I think my thirst for life helps me keep going.
I'm bragging about myself, I guess. But how often does that happen?? I am officially bragging about a trait I have!
I know there are going to be hard times and I know that I'm still going to cry at times. I just know that with the help of my Heavenly Father, Family, and Friends... I'll be just fine. I am excited to grow up, but right now I'm simply going to LIVE and if growing up happens during that time, so be it. I really love life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you and I think you are amazing. Life is great! And yes, you are growing up... too fast in my opinion. Sometimes Alix does things that remind me of you at 4 years old and I cry thinking of how old my baby sister is now. Or maybe I just cry because I miss you!
