
There are no words, other than... Men Suck.

Okay, since my readers are 99.9% family I'm hoping you guys won't judge me... deal? I mean we're family, you have to love me! For the .01% that aren't family, go ahead and judge me...

DISCLAIMER: The following content is a display of my WALK OF SHAME weeks... Give me a break, I'm young and in college! I guarantee you that I could have been doing a lot worse things haha!
(I haven't written in a while so I'm sorta filling you in... by the guys I've kissed in recent weeks...)


WEEK ONE (April 8, 2011)- {R}
I had been hanging out with my next door neighbors' friend, we'll call him... "Rick" (no, that's not really his name...). We were hanging out next door but it was boring so I decided to call it a night. Being a gentleman he walked my to my door... literally 2 feet away. Unfortunately this was one of those bi-polar Utah weather nights... ick. Snow falling like crazy! Rick decided it would be funny to play in the snow then put his hands down my back. I was kinda annoyed, but hey! He was snuggling up to me! Finally he pulled me in and kissed me. Yeah... it was a good one :)
BUT Rick and I did not last long, we started getting more and more distant and I when asked about a potential relationship. He said, "I'm gonna be working this summer so... it's kind of bad timing." 'Aight, I feel that's a legitimate reason... Long distance SUCKS! So today was his birthday and I decided to write happy birthday on his facebook page... Weird... He's now listed as "In a relationship" Imagine my surprise...

WEEK TWO (April 16, 2011)- {Br}
"Brian" went to Snow fall semester, but not spring. He was the DJ right after me at the KAGE and he and I would flirt in passing. A few weeks prior to 4/16/11 he asked me on a date! I was totally game and excited... he was like the 2nd official date I had been asked on!
He had never seen Twilight before so I forced him to watch every single one of them with me. We got through the first, we were cuddling by the time Bella figured out he was a vampire... Then we got to the second movie, he kissed me by the time Jacob ripped his shirt off.
Well Brian was cool, but we lost contact quickly. He doesn't have texting and he got rid of his Facebook... And I figure if he hasn't called, why should I?

WEEK THREE (April 18, 2011 & April 22, 2011)- {C} & {Be}
So the last chance True Badger night was the next Monday. My roommate set me up with "Chris". I had never met the kid. It was super awkward. How do you say goodbye? "Well, thanks for makin' me a True Badger (in my case, the second time) ... uh... goodnight! Nice meeting you!" *Hug* "...Uh yeah, bye..."
"Ben" is my friend's ex-boyfriend. He's also one of my good friends... I honestly think he could be gay. Well we were both losers on our last Friday night at Snow, we watched "Parks and Recreation" and as a joke, we started cuddling. Then somehow we started talking about how weird it would be if we kissed, then I kissed him just to see what he'd do. No progress on that, I still suspect him to be gay...

WEEK FOUR (April 28, 2011)-{M}
This one really REALLY ticks me off. The sting is still going on, as I type. Ugh! Boys! They are so stupid!
"Mitch" and I had met on a couple occasions through out the school year. He showed interest in me first, for sure! He told my roommate Ashley that he wanted to go out with me sometime. Mitch told Ash that he liked that I was a good girl. Well Thursday was my last night in Ephraim! YAY! There was a huge bonfire going on that night and we went together. Before we left, Mitch played guitar for me (dang it! one of my weaknesses!). On our way out I realized I hadn't put make-up on yet, so I started doing it and Mitch was like, "Tiffany you are so beautiful, you don't even need make-up!" We went to the bonfire...fast forward... went back to my apartment and watched "Tangled." He had his arm around me and said, "Don't we just fit perfectly?"

Okay I really didn't even like this guy that much! I still had feelings for Rick at this time but at least he wasn't a douche, right? The thing is, I like a chase! Mitch was wayyyy too easy for me to actually be into him right away... he was trying too hard.

So he kissed my hand and I was like Wha? Weird but okay...? He did it again and this time I turned around to give him a weird look and he kissed me! COME ON! He had potential but totally lost it, right then and there. Grrr...
Okay so the next day I was all packed and ready to leave and he came to give me a goodbye kiss. Success for him. He texted me like everyday and I blew him off. Then I asked him to hang out a couple days ago but he was working. I called him yesterday to hang out, he didn't even answer my call. I looked him up on Facebook and he was listed... you guessed it... "In a Relationship."

SERIOUSLY??? Couldn't he have at least given me a heads up or something?

Simply put: I think men or BOYS, in this case, are idiots. I've learned my lesson. Do NOT kiss boys! Even if they seem like decent ones, they really aren't. No really, they're not. Dating is pointless at Snow College. I'm sick of the RM's or "mature" PreMi's that think us 18 and 19 year old girls at Snow are the immature, dramatic ones! They are just as bad, if not worse! At least we (18 & 19 year old girls) can own up to being immature and dramatic!

I'm officially giving up.

TIFF: -5 (white flag)


  1. You crack me up! Congrats on the grades though! I'm super proud of you!
    Love ya and miss ya tonz!
    I personally think Snow is a great place to find a man!

  2. Wowza Tiff--I didn't know you were such a player! ;) (No judgements here...just surprise.) Yes, boys usually just want to kiss to check it out, maybe even compare your kiss to the girl that they are "in a relationship" with the next week... Play hard to get and don't let them kiss you the first time--dodge it. If they're really interested, they'll try again. If they're not, well, then they'll get on with that "in a relationship" girl, or boy. :P Just please don't be like my one roomie who kissed at least 20 boys in one year just for fun...seriously...

  3. Okay you seriously make my laugh! I love the way you write! :) Here's my advice: You love the guys that play hard to get, so that means you need to play hard to get and make them earn a kiss from you (Maybe after three dates instead of 1). Take these 5 guys and use them to create the list of what you really want in a guy! :)
